Register for Alveary 2024-25

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1600+ Happy users
Our Alveary curriculum
/per year
Equivalent to only $24.92 monthly!
Charlotte Mason curriculum (grades 1-12)
Multi-age family and classroom friendly
Book and supply lists
Daily lesson plans and exams
Training and Support
Rich Cultural Exposure
Community and Encouragement
Register for Alveary
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Our Alveary curriculum with Syllabird planning tool
/per year
Equivalent to only $34.91 monthly!
Includes our Syllabird planning tool!
Charlotte Mason curriculum (grades 1-12)
Multi-age family and classroom friendly
Book and supply lists
Daily lesson plans and exams
Training and Support
Rich Cultural Exposure
Community and Encouragement
Register for Alveary+

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Purchase Alveary Science, Geography, Music, Art, and more as individuals courses!

“ What I love most about about Charlotte Mason’s Alveary is how beautiful and relational it is. My children are making connections and growing in so many diverse areas I never could have facilitated on my own. ”

Stephanie Russell

Homeschooling Mom of 6 | Alveary member of 5 years

"The Alveary has been a wonderful and beautiful education for my family. It literally has it all, and I call it the Cadillac of Charlotte Mason curriculum. You really pack it in!"

Spring survey

"This is our sixth year with the Alveary. This year, more than any other, we have all enjoyed how the resources between grades 2, 4, and 6 have woven together. It's so lovely to see the integration of every course; there are no "loose ends" or random courses."

Spring survey

Alveary member of 6 years

"Alveary is authentically Charlotte Mason for modern times. It provides a beautiful, living education made accessible through extensive support and robust lesson plans. The more I learn about what a Mason education is, the more I value Alveary helping me implement it.”

Bethany S.

"​​We love Alveary! At home and at our co-op. It has made co-op planning and decisions so much easier. We are thankful that the new co-op rules help some of our co-op families continue even though Alveary isn’t what they choose to use at home."

Spring survey

"Alveary has given our cooperative the boost it needed to achieve a generous education without overwhelming our teachers with excessive preparation demands. We love that our diverse range of students enjoy the common threads across subjects and can relate to one another through the themes woven across the curriculum."

Amanda E.