Prepare your school year
Prepare your schoolyear

Use this checklist to keep track of your planning as you prepare to start your school year.

Lesson plans

Your home base throughout the year.


The first step in starting Alveary is to make initial decisions on which courses you'd like to teach.


Now that you’ve chosen your courses, create a rhythm that fits your needs. Use our print or digital planning tools to draft a schedule that works for you.


View Alveary book lists to learn more about the book selections for each course and purchase the ones you need.

Lesson plans

Our lesson plans give you everything you need to know about how to teach your courses and how to use the books and supplies that go along with them.


After setting up your schedule and looking over your lesson plans, you can go ahead and buy the necessary supplies in order to teach the courses.

End-of-term exams

An average school year consists of 3 eleven-week terms. After each term, there is one week of exams.

What’s new

Regular updates containing practical and philosophical answers to member questions, encouragement, important news, and Alveary improvements.


Lesson plans



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Lesson plans

Organize your lesson plans

Alveary lesson plans give you options and save you time! Plan digitally if you're an  Alveary+ member, receive printed plans at your door, or customize and print at home. Follow the plans closely or tailor them to your students' needs. Stay engaged in the Hive and Office Hours as we support one another!

Haven’t set up your schedule yet? Please start from the ‘Courses’ tab on the left hand menu before jumping into the lesson plans

Additional tools & DIY options coming June 1!