Alveary offers more

Our community

You will be supported and encouraged by like-minded educators around the globe and in your neighborhood.

What is The Hive?

Our Community Platform: The Hive

The Hive is a place outside of busy and distracting social media platforms for us to talk about Charlotte Mason and how to best implement Alveary.

Members can connect with others in their area, share ideas, create a circle to discuss a topic, gain insight from fellow members, and enjoy the shared journey toward a relational education.

Charlotte Mason Institute’s

Job Board

Looking for teachers or staff at your Alveary school or hybrid? Searching for a position yourself? Explore the CMI Job board for free or post a position. Member discount code: AMJOB

Apply Mason’s philosophy in a neuroatypical setting

Blue Orchard Bee

Mason said that in order to guide a child’s whole person, we must fully understand what it means to offend not, despise not, hinder not. Other aspects in the field of education might evolve over time, but this vocation is absolute.

The Blue Orchard Bee is the location of CMI’s online support for those living out this vocation with neuroatypical children. Consistent with the model of the PNEU, CMI will build community, support the observation of the children, navigate current research, and reflect on our vocation. We are excited to share this journey with you, as we learn how to relate to our blue orchard bees.

Charlotte Mason Institute’s

Natural History Clubs

Looking to build or find community in your area? The Charlotte Mason Institute’s Natural History Clubs give you everything you need to deepen your experience of creation and embark on outdoor adventures with friends. Member discount code: ALVEARYNHC

8-week course on Charlotte Mason’s Living ideas

Charlotte Mason Institute’s CORE teacher training

Conversations on Relational Education is an 8-week online teacher-training class. You will join a small cohort of educators for a rigorous study of Mason’s ideas and to learn and discuss what they look like in practice.

Gain confidence in Mason’s core principles and methods to
implement them in your context.
Grow in understanding the “why” behind Mason’s methods.
Discuss practical strategies for lesson planning, teacher
prep, scheduling, and classroom management.
Interact with other Mason educators and experts to
glean encouragement and insight.


CMC & Blue Open Door

Explore CMI's various certifications to deepen your understanding of Charlotte Mason's principles, how they fit within educational theories more broadly, and what it means to implement them in our context today.

Grow in understanding a relational education for the 21st century
Obtain helpful credentials for your resumé or licensing needs.
Gain professional development hours or continuing education credits.
Interact with Mason's ideas using her own principles of narration, discussion, reading, and writing.