July 19, 2024

Alveary Weekly - Volume 9, Issue 7

Syllabird Science Courses • Nature Journal Connection • Alveary A-La-Carte • Charlotte Mason Article • Penmanship Materials • The Joy of Making • Foundations Course • Latin • Book Discussions

Summer Refresh

From Desiree Salcido, Support Specialist

We hope the summer is treating you well.

My family loves to camp during the summer months. There’s nothing like reading a good book in a hammock up on a mountain somewhere. I always feel so encouraged after a camping trip, I do some of my best thinking up in the mountains. I love to rise with the sun and spend some quiet time on my own before our day’s adventure begins. It is a sweet and precious time and something I look forward to each year. I often come home ready to tackle all of the great ideas I had during that time outdoors.

Summer can be a busy season with planning, trips, and more. It’s important that we take the time to fuel ourselves as well. Which can look different for each of us. Be sure to take the time to fill your cup, enjoy a hobby or start a new one, read a book, or go on a solo hike. I hope you all are able to have those moments this summer to do whatever brings you joy and encourages you as you head into a new school year.  

We would love to hear what has brought you joy this summer. Share your summer activities in the comments below!


1.  Syllabird Science Courses: Alveary+ Members. If you’ve started scheduling in Syllabird and have enrolled your students in science courses for Grades 1-8, note that we have fixed a bug which broke the URLs in the lessons. If you have this bug, delete that course from your account and re-add it from the Alveary Portal.

2. Alveary A-La-Carte: Have friends or co-op teachers who just want a few Alveary courses? Direct them to the Alveary shop! Alveary.org/shop

3. Charlotte Mason Article: Dr. Shannon Whiteside recently wrote an article titled Charlotte Mason, Education, and a Love of Learning for Christian Research Journal. It is a great article to pass along to someone who might not be as familiar with Mason but is interested to learn more. She also spoke on their podcast as well.  

4. Penmanship Materials: For those of you who are using Getty-Dubay for penmanship, they have a new product called Teacher Companion PDFs which contain over 50 pages of suggested Lesson Plans and printable supplemental practice worksheets.

5. The Joy of Making: Alveary members, we are thrilled to see you at the Joy of Making conference! We would love to film some of you sharing what you love most about Alveary. Sarah Stabenow, our marketing coordinator, will be at the Alveary table on Friday, July 26th, from 1-3 PM. Stop by and share a quick 60-second testimonial for our social media!

6. Foundations Course: Deepen your understanding of relational education in our Foundations Course. Sign up for weekly emails or find it on your dashboard under Resources.

7. Latin: Are you registered for the Alveary-Exclusive Latin class with Magistra Reed? This is a great opportunity for students new to Latin whether they are 7th graders or highschoolers. Sign up for this optional online course through the Program (Step 2 of the dashboard). Both Level 1 and Level 2 will be offered this year.

8. Book Discussions: Mark your calendars for our upcoming book discussions! We will be discussing A New Book for Little Historians on 8/7. Then, we will be discussing Rembrandt is in the Wind: Learning to Love Art Through The Eyes of Faith on 9/4. Head to the Hive to RSVP to these events!

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